Your Fat Is Perfect For Cell Banking
An Update From BioLife’s Kristin Laminack
Q: Kristin, What’s the latest news at BioLife?
Kristin – We now have over 60 doctors throughout the United States. They represent approximately 70 locations and our network continues to grow. Doctors are interested in providing BioLife to their patients.
Q: BioLife has had some nice publicity lately.
Kristin – Recent coverage includes an article from a Dallas-based magazine called Inform. That piece covered the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine’s study where youthful cells were injected into mice and reversed their aging process. They lived two to three times longer! The results were so great their major researcher initially thought they were impossible. So, we continue to hear amazing, positive news about stem cells.
Q: What about humans? This seems far off.
Kristin – To quote Dr. Genecov from the article, “…this isn’t some far-fetched concept. Adult stem cell therapy is real, and it is safely and effectively used today.” That’s an important point we always like to make.
Q: Yes, and when you bank your cells – they’re frozen in time.
Kristin – You never know what’s coming your way… It’s a good plan to have your youthful cells stored and ready. If you have to use them for say, some medical condition five years from now – they’ll be there. Younger cells are better cells, so if you stored them at age 45 and need them when you’re say 55 – the cells you’ll be using are still only 45. That’s incredible, and as we’re learning everyday, stem cell therapy is impacting many conditions – and will be helping to treat even more in the future.
Q: Kristin, Thanks for this update.